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Where it all began

My Story

I'm one of the fortunate few that loves my job!  Since I was a little girl, I always wanted to make a difference. I considered becoming a medical doctor, but I was put off by the diagnose - medicate approach to health problems at the time.  I decided to become a physiotherapist instead, which seemed more aligned to my understanding of treatment and healing.


When my first son was born, I was challenged in ways I couldn't have imagined.  He was three weeks old when the crying began. I went from pillar to post and tried everything from medical speicalists to sound therapy. It was heart-breaking to see my child suffering and not be able to help him. Nobody seemed to have the answers, until eventually I stumbled upon functional medicine.  It was transformational - my child went from failing to thriving.


Having lived the benefit of this experience, I wanted to know how I could help other people transform their lives. I enrolled in a USA based functional medicine coaching course to further my studies. I took my new knowledge into my own practice and my approach to treatment and healing shifted to a root cause approach.


My passion is to share the knowledge I have gained and support people through their journey to health and happiness.  


Nadja is a registered Physiotherapist and holds two bachelor of science degrees from UCT. She earned her Functional Medicine Health Coach certification from the leading Institute for Functional Medicine in the United States. She is a registered practitioner with DNAlysis BioTechnology with a certificate in Nutrigentics and Nutrigenomics.


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